PayPal Subscriber Metrics

Analyze your churn, life time value, net subscribers, and many more SaaS metrics.

Analyze your prices to see which one has the best churn.

Make informed pricing decisions for which price will drive down churn and boost NET revenue as you grow and expand your PayPal subscription business. Access data never before available for PayPal.

Multichannel communication for Shopify customer service

Analyze your monthly Churn Cohorts for PayPal

See how your PayPal SaaS business is improving when comparing previous month's churn cohorts. See that last month is doing better vs. a year ago for the same month's cohort.

Instant chat and Shopify order tracking

Map churn by country for PayPal

See how your international expansion is growing.

Understand geographical mapping of churn, LTV, net revenue and more. Give your finance team some help in understanding international sales numbers for taxes purposes.

Customer service and Shopify app automation

Access your data using
3 ecommerce apps
with PayPal

Receive real-time notifications of sales activity right to the Slack channel of your choice.
Analyze PayPal churn, acquisitions, LTV, and other subscription metrics in Baremetrics using Payhelm.
Send nudges in intercom when a PayPal subscriber payment fails. Improve your PayPal dunnings workflow & campaigns.

Analyze your PayPal subscriber metrics. Finally you can know your PayPal churn, LTV, subscribers, and much more.

Use Payhelm now! It's Free.

Create your custom branded email campaigns fit to grow your business today.